Modifying Orders


Note: For Integrated Stores, it is recommended that Order Modification are completed in your Store (i.e. Shopify) so that the modifications will be reflected in both applications. Order Modifications completed in ShipHero will NOT be reflected on the order in your Store.Note:

Adding Product

  1. On the order page, you will select the Add items button

  2. A pop up will then appear where you can search for and add the product. Once selected you will click Add items

  3. Once selected you will receive a confirmation message at the top of your screen and the product will be listed as a line item.

Removing (Cancel) Product

  1. Select Cancel for the product you would like to remove from the order.

  2. Confirm the correct product was selected and select OK.

  3. Once selected you will receive a confirmation message at the top of your screen and the product will be listed as a line item with the status Canceled.

Updating Shipment Info

  1. On the order page, you will go to the right-hand side under Order details and update the shipping option you would like to use. Then click Save.

Updating Shipping Address

  1. On the order page, you will go to the right-hand side under Order details and click on the current Shipping Address

  2. A pop up will then appear where you can make the necessary updates to the Shipping Address. Then click Save