VIP Gifting Orders
We understand the importance of delivering exceptional service to your VIPs and are happy to offer VIP gifting orders as a way to show appreciation for your most valuable customers, partners, or employees. When planning to send Gifting Orders please do so 48 business hours in advance and complete the following steps:
Send an email to 48 business hours in advance of the gifting orders needing to be shipped out and specify any special packaging requirements for these orders.
💡 If special materials are required, please ensure the delivery of these materials is scheduled prior to the required ship date.
Provide a Google Sheet of all orders included in the gifting. Please add any order specific requirements in this doc (e.g. Receive by date, Custom Gift Notes, etc.)
Submit Orders in ShipHero with the order tag “Gift”
Our team will ensure that all orders are fulfilled with the specified criteria and will follow up on the email was everything is completed!
For pricing questions, please refers to the below guides:
Special Project Fee (Special Packaging)