Upload Shipping Plan


All Shipping Plans must be created into ShipHero 7 days prior to their arrival. Below are the steps to create a Shipping Plan in ShipHero-

  1. Select Shipping Plans

  2. There are two methods to submit a purchase order:

  • Create A Shipping Plan:Through this method the purchase order is directly entered into ShipHero

  • Upload Box Manifest: Through this method the purchase order is entered onto the ShipHero

Upload Shipping Plan

  1. Select the Upload box manifest option

  2. Select the Warehouse and Vendor for the Shipping Plan. Download the Box Manifest, fill out Template, and Upload. Click Save once completed.

  3. After successfully uploading the Box Manifest, the Shipping Plan will be displayed on the Shipping Plan Dashboard

  4. Select the Shipping Plan and ensure tracking information is added

  5. Additionally, ensure that the Shipping Plan Labels are printed and provided to your vendor

    IMPORTANT: Place shipping labels correctly to avoid errors

    • Place shipping labels correctly to avoid errors

    • Make sure to place shipping labels outside the box

    • Do not place shipping labels on corners or seams (where the box opens/closes)

    • Do not use faded or illegible labels (make sure your printer cartridge has enough ink before you print!)

Don't forget to complete your Advanced Shipment Notice and follow our receiving guidelines.