Create A Shipping Plan
All Shipping Plans must be created into ShipHero 7 days prior to their arrival. Below are the steps to create a Shipping Plan in ShipHero-
Select Shipping Plans
There are two methods to submit a purchase order:
Create A Shipping Plan:Through this method the purchase order is directly entered into ShipHero
Upload Box Manifest: Through this method the purchase order is entered onto the ShipHero
Create A Shipping Plan
Select the Create a shipping plan option
Select the which Ship Essential warehouse the Shipping Plan will be delivered to
Select the SKU and quantities that will be included on the Shipping Plan and click Add items
Once completed click Save & Continue
Confirm how the shipment will be packed and click Continue
Detail how each SKU will be packed and click Continue
The barcodes for the products can also be generated and printed from this page.
Add any notes or additional details then click Continue
Generate the packing list & finish. Ensure that the labels are properly placed! The Packing list will be found on the next page
IMPORTANT: Place shipping labels correctly to avoid errors
Place shipping labels correctly to avoid errors
Make sure to place shipping labels outside the box
Do not place shipping labels on corners or seams (where the box opens/closes)
Do not use faded or illegible labels (make sure your printer cartridge has enough ink before you print!)
Finally, ensure tracking information is added